It is almost time for the annual Lehigh Valley Poetry zine swap! It is simple to participate. During the months of December and January, we sign up participants. By February 1, we have our list. The list goes out, and we mail our zines in the month of February. The dates are flexible for a reason, because people get busy and covid and procrastination and life happens… You sign up because you want to share your zines, and discover new ones and connect with others. Some people have them stamped and ready to go on the first day, others trickle in. For this reason, we say that zines will arrive during the month of February.
We sign up around ten people. You are welcome to send any style of zine, your own or one from your stash. You can create a zine specific to this year’s swap, or send an existing zine. It just needs to be a zine. I usually send more than one so even if somebody flakes, that is ok. It all works out.
Send an email to me, E. Lynn Alexander, at and put “2022 LVP Zine Swap” in the subject and send a mailing address.
I like to share photos of the zines to the Lehigh Valley Poetry Instagram page and Facebook. You are welcome to do the same, and comment about them if you’d like.