Book Release:”Ballpoint Penitentiary”

You won’t want to miss this lineup of local and traveling poets at The Unicorn in Catasaqua on Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 7:00. This event celebrates the release of B. Diehl’s second full-length poetry book, Ballpoint Penitentiary. Our host will be Philosophical Idiot’s co-editor Kat Giordano, Free, BYOB. 
Cleveland Wall (LVP poet page)
Kate Foley
Niki Elizabeth
Marc Alexander Valle
Caitlyn Siehl
Elynn Alexander (LVP poet page)
Catie Sheeran
Gabbie Piper 
The Carlton (LVP poet page)
Kristina Haynes
Chad Frame (LVP poet page)
Kat Giordano 
B. Diehl. (LVP poet page)

B.Diehl book release of "Ballpoint Penitentiary" at I Hate Poetry in CatasaquaBallpoint Penitentiary by B. Diehl

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