Performance/Open Mic
Update, 2021: Tuesday Muse went virtual for a while, when the pandemic happened and the space closed. We didn’t really expect this to go on for as long as it did, but it did. It has left many events from the past in limbo.
At this time, Tuesday Muse is on hiatus and may not return. There will be updates if new plans are made.
An in person “reunion” is in the works for September 2021, assuming that is an option and the venue is open. There will be information about that. Thank you to the many people who supported Tuesday Muse as performers and audience. It was a special event, where many poets performed for the first time and spaces like that are important. It was open, free, and we hoped that it was valuable to the poetry community. -Lynn
Tuesday Muse is a monthly open mic performance series, with drop in and featured performers. Poets, musicians, and other creatives are invited to come share the stage each month at the Ice House in Bethlehem. We have added the monthly events to Facebook and you can find them under the “events” tab. (features added as they are confirmed) Typically, they are on the first or second Tuesday of the month. Please check Facebook events for the latest, and see the updated event posts to find out more including features and special details.
The Current Schedule
Monthly, Tuesday evening, 6:30 PM (mingle, browse books, sign up) 7:00 PM start
January 8
February 5
March 12
April 2
May 14
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 3
October- No Tuesday Muse, Alternate event
November 5
December 10
Hosts: Cleveland Wall and E. Lynn Alexander
Social Media: #tuesdaymuselehighvalley
Facebook: @tuesdaymuselehighvalley
Email Lehigh Valley Poetry: mail@lehighvalleypoetry.org