Regular visitors might have noticed that this website has been updated, with a few more features to come. While we connect with many of you through the facebook page, poet group, instagram, and twitter, we still feel that a website presence is important to keep things together and help people navigate and communicate. You can find those social media links here, and a quick search will bring you back whenever you want to check in. We will be adding more poet pages to our informal poet directory. We offer a page to anyone who requests one, to add a bio, contact information, book information, events hosted, youtube channel, etc. This page can include what you would like to mention.
At this time, pages are added by poet request. If you don’t see a page for a poet you know, you can refer them to the website. We try to avoid adding pages and information unless a poet wants us to so the content can be reviewed. We had a running calendar of events and open mic opportunities but it was hard to keep on top of what was still running, what events were on hiatus, who was changing a start time, which hosts were stepping up and stepping down. Again, we don’t want to include information that is outdated or send any would-be participants on a chase. When we see events on facebook, we try to share them on our page and in the LVP group. Feel free to nudge us if we are missing your series, festival, book launch, etc.
Thank you to those of you who have tossed a few bucks into the donation cup. For now, this will go to hosting and printing expenses but in the future we hope to participate at more festivals and events where poets can have merchandise (books, zines, etc.) co-op style.
If you have any interest in helping out with covering events, tables, anything- please let us know. Thank you and keep in touch!